
The way firenado organizes the logic to be executed in several parts of an application is defining services.

Those services can be injected with the decorator firenado.service.served_by. This decorator will add an instance of a service to a method of any data connected object. Examples of data connected classes are firenado.tornadoweb.TornadoHandler and any descendent of firenado.service.FirenadoService.

Creating a service and decorating a handler:

from firenado import service, tornadoweb
# Importing a package with some services
import another_service_package

class MyService(service.FirenadoService):
    def do_something(self):
        # Self consumer will be the handler where this service was
        # called from.
        self.consumer.write("Something was done")

class MyHandlerBeingServed(tornadoweb.TornadoHandler):
    # A good way to keep the reference is keeping the type hint
    my_service: MyService
    service_from_another_package: another_service_package.AnotherService

    # you can also set the attribute/property name to be used
    def get(self):
        # The anotation service.served_by added self.my_service
        # here. The attribute/property name will be converted from the
        # cammel cased class to dashed separated.

You can also add services to another services using the decorator: