What’s new in Firenado

Mar 04, 2020

We are pleased to announce the release of Firenado

We still support python 2.7 in the main development contrary to the announce from but we started to relax tests against 2.7 and prepare the code base for a python 3.x only.

Firenado gave birth to Cartola and we added this project to the basic dependency.

This version fixes definitely the process launcher shutdown making easier to spam and teardown Firenado application in a test and that’s the reason we still keep with python 2.7.

A new json session encoder were added to the available list of session encoders making it easier to share session data between applications that don’t have pikle encoding/serialization.

Here are the highlights:

New Features

  • Add json session encoder to the project. #295
  • Clean sys.path and set PYTHONPATH before launch a process. . #299

Bug Fixes

  • Process launcher shutdown doesn’t work. #290


  • Use pymobiledetect instead of util.browser. #292
  • Use cartola instead of util.sysexits. #293
  • Use cartola instead of util.file. #294
  • Use cartola instead of local security package. #296