
Firenado is a Python web framework that primarily extends the Tornado framework and runs over it’s web server.

A Firenado application is organized in components wired by yaml config files. This design makes it possible to develop shareable components between applications and be distributed separately.

Firenado also provides a server side session layer based on files or redis. If you prefer it is also possible to create a new backend to the session layer or disable it.

Other features shipped with the framework are configurable data sources, a service layer that could be injected to handles via decorators, a command line that helps start a project and run an application.

Firenado provides many other features and resources that will help a developer to create and manage Tornado applications.


pip install firenado


Creating and running a new application:

firenado project init helloworld
cd helloworld
firenado app run

By default an application will be created with a redis based session and a redis data source defied and linked to the session.

Firenado don’t install redispy so it is necessary to either install it or turn the session as file based. You can disable the session engine too.

To change the session type to file go to helloworld/conf/firenado.yml and change the session definition to:

# Session types could be:
# file or redis.
 type: file
 enabled: true
 # Redis session handler configuration
 # data:
 #   source: session
 # File session handler related configuration
 path: /tmp

If your helloworld project isn’t on the python path just go helloworld/conf/firenado.yml and configure the application settings:

  component: helloworld
     # Set here references from sources defined on data.sources
     - session
  pythonpath: ..
  port: 8888

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