
If you need to crate an application with scheduled actions Firenado provides a structure to do it.

Using a scheduled component is possible to define a scheduler via configuration and point to tasks that could be run once or in a interval.

Setting up a scheduled component:

Instead of extending direcectly from the regular TornadoComponent use ScheduledTornadoComponent instead.

from . import handlers
from firenado import schedule

class SchedappComponent(schedule.ScheduledTornadoComponent):

After that just add this component to conf/firenado.yml and enabled it.

  - id: schedapp
    enabled: true

A ScheduledTornadoComponent could be used as the application component if you want to.

  component: 'schedapp'

By default Firenado will look for <component_id>_schedule.[yml|yaml] config file. Here is an example with a config based scheduler running a cron based scheduled task(the file is conf/schedapp_schedule.yml):

  - id: scheduler1
    name: Scheduler Example 1
      - id: job1
        cron: "*/1 * * * *"
        custom_property: Custom property from job1.
      - id: job2
        interval: 15000
        custom_property: Custom property from job1.

The configuration file defines the scheduler scheduler1 that manages a job identified as job1 that runs every minute and a custom property to be used by the the class Here is the the job implementation:

from firenado.schedule import ScheduledJob

class PrintTestJob(ScheduledJob):

    def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs):
        super(PrintTestJob, self).__init__(scheduler, **kwargs)
        self._custom_property = kwargs.get('custom_property', None)

    def run(self):
         print("This is the custom property value: %s" % self._custom_property)

As demonstrated above we need to create a class that extends from ScheduledJob and implements the run method. We used the constructor to consume the custom property defined in the schedule config file and used it to print a message.

Scheduled job periods:

A scheduled job can be set to be executed using an interval or a cron string.

The interval parameter is defined milliseconds and will take priorety over the cron string parameter. Here is an example with job to be executed every 30 seconds:

  - id: a_scheduler
    name: A scheduler
      - id: interval_job
        class: mypackage.EveryThirdyJob
        interval: 30000

Intevals are good to create fast tasks, the ones that will be executed in less than one minute, because cron strings have the one minute limitation.

Besides the one minute limitation, cron strings are better for planned tasks, and maintaing the time to be executed after restarting the application or the scheduler. See one example:

  - id: another_scheduler
    name: Another scheduler
      - id: cron_based_job
        class: mypackage.TwiceADayJob
        cron: "30 0,12 * * *"

Contrasting with an interval based job, we can set a cron string to execute a job every day at 1 am (“0 1 * * *”) or twice a day (like in the example) at 0:30 and 12:30 (“30 0,12 * * *”). With intervals we could set 24 hours or 12 hours periods in miliseconds but those values would start to count from the time we started the application and the scheduled started.

If we start this application every 4 hours that job would never run the interval based job, the cron based ones in another hand, would be executed without issues. Unless the restart unfortunately coincide with 0:30 and 12:30 hours of the day and the scheduler would not have time to calculate the next time to run the job, but that would be bad luck or bad planning. The interval example with 4 hours restarts is also bad planing and an exageration to differentiate both strategies.

In another words, interval jobs are better for tasks that need to check in less than one minute and don’t need to be planned, because the next execution will be calculated when the scheduler started. Cron based jobs are resolved by croniter and they are better for planned periodic jobs.